The work of reviewing is essential to the advancement of neurologic physical therapy practice and science. We are grateful to the following individuals who reviewed for JNPT in 2008.
Leslie Allison, PT, PhD, NCS
Mitchell Batavia, PT, PhD
Phyllis Bowlby, PT, MEd, PCS
Denis Brunt, PT, EdD
David Brown, PT, PhD
Angela Busch, PhD
James Carey, PT, PhD
Phil Chilibeck, PhD
Carmen Cirstea, MD, PhD
Evan T Cohen, PT, MA, NCS
Jody Cormack, DPT, NCS
Stan Dacko, PT, PhD
Ruthy Dickstein, PT, ScD
Kari Dunning, PT, PhD
Terry Ellis, PT, PhD
Becky Farley, PT, PhD
Dennis Fell, PT, MD
Nancy Fell, PT, PhD, NCS
Becky Farley, PT, PhD
Beth Fisher, PT, PhD
Julaine Florence, PT, DPT
Sheryl Flynn, PT, PhD
Donna Fry, PT, PhD
George Fulk, PT, PhD, NCS
Kathleen Galloway, PT, DSc, ECS
Diana Glendinning, PT, PhD
David Greathouse, PT, PhD
Jeff Hausdorff, PhD
Lois Hedman, PT, MS, NCS
Jeffrey Hoder, PT, DPT, NCS
George Hornby, PT, PhD
Therese Johnston, PT, PhD
Herb Karpatkin, PT, MS, NCS
Anne Kloos, PT, PhD, NCS
Catherine Lang, PT, PhD
Deborah Larsen, PT, PhD
Michele Lewis, PT, MPT
Francine Malouin, PT, PhD
Karen McCulloch, PT, PhD, NCS
D. Michael McKeough, PT, EdD
Anat Mirelman, PT, PhD
Sarah Morrison, PT
Susanne Morton, PT, PhD
Julie Mount, PT, PhD
Arthur Nitz, PT, PhD, ECS
Kirsten Parlman, PT, DPT, NCS
Susan B. Perry, PT, DPT, NCS
Barbara Quaney, PT, PhD
Darcy Resiman, PT, PhD
Debra Rose, PhD
Dorian Rose, PT, PhD
Sandy Ross, PT, DPT, PCS
Sue Ryerson, PT, ScD, NCS
Lisa Saladin, PT, PhD
Mary Schmidt, PT, MS
Michael Schubert, PT, PhD
Sondra Siegel, PT, PhD
Catherine Siegsukon, PT, PhD
Martha Sliwinski, PT, PhD
Britta Smith, PT, NCS
Patrick Sparto, PT, PhD
Teresa Steffen, PT, PhD
James Stephens, PT, PhD, NCS
Nick Stergiou, PhD
Tina Stoeckman, PT, DSc
Heidi Sveistrup, PhD
Greg Thielman, PT, EdD
Julie Kristin Tilson, PT, DPT, NCS
Eugene Tunik, PT, PhD
Sally Westcott, PT, PhD
Daniel Kenta White, PT, ScD
Sue Whitney, PT, PhD, FAPTA
Diane Wrisley, PT, PhD, NCS