The work of reviewing is essential to the advancement of neurologic physical therapy practice and science. We are grateful to the following individuals who reviewed for JNPT in 2007.
Leslie Allison, PT, PhD
David Arnall, PT, PhD
Deborah Backus, PT, PhD
Mitch Batavia, PT, PhD
Sarah Blanton, DPT
David Brown, PT, PhD
Evan Cohen, PT MS NCS
Jody Cormack, DPT
Vanina Dal Bello Hass, PT, PhD
Janis Daly, PT, PhD
Lee Dibble, PT, PhD
Ruth Dicktstein, PT, PhD
Gammon M. Earhardt, PT, PhD
Terry Ellis, PT, PhD
Nancy Fell, PT, PhD
Beth Fisher, PT, PhD
Sheryl Flynn, PT, PhD
Donna Fry, PT, PhD
George D. Fulk, PT, PhD
Cole Galloway, PT, PhD
Diana Glendining PT, PhD
Courtney Hall, PT, PhD
Kathy Harro, MS PT
Jennifer Hastings PT, PhD
Lois Hedman, PT, MS
Jeffrey Hoder, DPT, MS, NCS
George Hornby PT, PhD
Therese Johnston PT, MBA, PhD
Herb Karpatkin, PT, MS NCS
Steven Kautz, PhD
Valerie Kelley, PT, PhD
Teresa Kimberley, PT, PhD
Nancy Kirsch, PT, PhD
Anne Kloos, PT, PhD
Patricia Kludig, PT, PhD
Catherine Lang, PT, PhD
David Lehman, PT, PhD
Wen Ling, PT, PhD
Karen McCollough, PT, PhD
Patricia McGinnis, PT, PhD
Vicki Mercer, PT, PhD
Alma Merians, PT, PhD
Susanne Morton, PT, PhD
Julie Mount, PT, PhD
Mary Jane Myslinski, PT, EdD
Robin Myers, PT, NCS
Carolynn Patten, PT, PhD
Sue Perry, DPT, MS, NCS
Darcy Reisman, PT, PhD
Lisa Riolo PT, PhD, NCS
Skip Rizzo, PhD
Lynn Rochester, PT, PhD
Debbie Rose, PhD
Dorian Rose, PT, PhD
Susan Ryerson, PT, PhD
Lisa Saladin, PT, PhD
Mary Schmidt, MS, PT
Patricia Shewokis, PhD
Anne Shumway-Cook, PT, PhD, NCS
Martha Sliwinski, PT, PhD
Britta Smith, PT, MS, NCS
Patrick Sparto, PT, PhD
James Stephens, PT, PhD
Gregory Thielman, PT, EdD
Mary Thigpen, PT, PhD
Bruce Vogel, PhD
Robert Wellmon, PT, PhD
Bill Werner, PT, EdD
Sue Whitney PT, PhD, NCS, FAPTA