The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) wants to know how its "Step-by-Step Guide to Delivering Clinical Preventive Services" is being used in practice settings. For the past eight years, the AHRQ has tracked and documented examples of how AHRQ-sponsored research and publications have changed lives, influenced clinical practice, improved policies, and affected patient outcomes. These case studies are used to help explain to Congress and the health care community how AHRQ research can be used to improve the quality of health care.
The AHRQ needs only the name of the user's contact organization or contact person and how the guide is being used. The AHRQ would also like to hear from those who received the guide but chose not to implement it in the clinical setting. Feedback on why the guide was not implemented will help the AHRQ improve products and ensure better health care. Contact Stacia Sanvik at [email protected] by September 30 or find more information about "Step-by-Step Guide to Delivering Clinical Preventive Services: A Systems Approach" at