
  1. Frazee, Jacqueline BSN, CNOR, CPSN
  2. President, PSNCB

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The PSNCB is proud to announce that we have moved to an online recertification process. Beginning in March, we went live with the new format. Please visit the Web site and become familiar with new practice. It will expedite the response time in the review of your packet, as well as provide timely feedback if items are missing. You will also be able to use a credit card rather than a check. We are hopeful that this will make this process streamlined and more convenient for everyone. We would welcome feedback, as this is a work in progress. Please let us know of any issues you may encounter as you navigate through the application.

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The month of May is a national testing month for certification examinations. The deadline has passed for this May test date, but there is still plenty of time to apply for the October 9 test date at the National Convention. You have until August 18, 2017, to submit the application, so plan now to take the examination in October.


The Core Curriculum for Plastic Surgical Nursing, 4th edition, is available for study purposes, as well as an offering of a review course to be held at the National Convention in October. Details are on the ASPSN Web page.


The PSNCB will have a final analysis session with CNET in the fall before submitting the application to ABNS. We will use the data from the examinations for one arm of the application process. The more data we have, the stronger our analysis is. If you are considering the examination and meet qualifications, I would encourage you to take the certification examination this fall!


Finally, there will be positions to fill on the PSNCB board. I have been extremely fortunate to work with a group of exceptional nurses. It would be an exciting time to be involved as we attain accreditation. Think about it and watch for the call for applications late summer.


Respectfully submitted,


Jacqueline Frazee, BSN, CNOR, CPSN


President, PSNCB