
  1. Bohannon, Richard W. PT, DPT, EdD, NCS, FAPTA


This observational study was undertaken to describe a battery of 7 measurements of physical status, the PhyStat 7, and to determine the time requirements and clinimetric properties of the battery. Ten men and 10 women (aged 60-79 years) were examined during 2 sessions 10 to 14 days apart. A younger comparison group of 10 men and 10 women (aged 20-29 years) was also examined. During the first session, each of 2 testers independently obtained 7 measurements from all participants: (1) body mass index (BMI); (2) tragus-to-wall (TTW) distance; (3) unipedal stance time (UST); (4) 5-repetition sit-to-stand (STS) time; (5) grip strength; (6) gait speed; and (7) 2-Minute Walk Test (2MWT) distance. During the second session, 1 of the 2 testers repeated the 7 measurements with the older participants. The PhyStat 7 took an average of 12 minutes to administer. For individual items of the PhyStat 7, intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs [model 3,1]) describing intertester reliability ranged from 0.712 to 0.997 and ICCs describing test-retest reliability ranged from 0.676 to 0.998. For a total PhyStat 7 score derived by adding z-transformed individual items, the ICCs for intertester reliability and test-retest reliability were 0.939 and 0.893, respectably. Content validity was supported by loadings on 2 factors-physical structure (BMI and TTW distance) and physical performance (UST, STS time, grip strength, gait speed, and 2MWT). Known-groups validity was demonstrated by significant differences between the older and younger groups in all items except BMI and gait speed.