
  1. Conley, Susanne B. MSN, RN, CPON, AOCNS(R)
  2. Buckley, Paula BSN, RN
  3. Magarace, Lisa BSN, RN
  4. Hsieh, Candace BSN, RN, CIC(R)
  5. Pedulla, Lillian Vitale MSN, BSN, RN, NEA-BC


Nearly 3 million central vascular access devices (CVADs) are used in the United States each year. These devices are an important advance in health care and essential to oncology patients. However, CVADs are the most frequent cause of central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSIs). CLABSI can be prevented when evidence-based practices are followed consistently over time. Professional organizations establish valid standards and guidelines to guide CVAD practice. This article identifies strategies implemented at a comprehensive ambulatory cancer center to integrate professional evidence-based standards and guidelines for implanted port care into nursing practice at the point of care.