
ethical considerations, mentee, mentor, mentoring, palliative nursing



  1. Mazanec, Polly PhD, ACNP-BC, AOCN, ACHPN, FAAN
  2. Aslakson, Rebecca A. MD, PhD, FAAHPM, FCCM
  3. Bodurtha, Joann MD, MPH
  4. Smith, Thomas J. MD, FACP, FASCO, FAAHPM


Mentoring is a responsibility of the nurse to advance the nursing profession and can be viewed from an ethical perspective. Little has been reported about mentoring in hospice and palliative nursing, and data to support this concept are lacking. Yet, nowhere is mentoring more essential than in this specialty, which is filled with the often difficult issues of caring for those with serious illnesses and their families. Educational and emotional support, which are important components in the mentoring relationship, are critical for nurses who need a hospice or palliative care nursing colleague to guide and coach them in caring for this patient population and to advance the profession of palliative nursing. Although all nurses can benefit from finding a mentor and being a mentor, it is extremely important for those caring for patients and families facing serious illnesses.