
  1. Richardson, Angela

Article Content

With this issue, The Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing (JPNN) celebrates 30 years of publication. In 1987, JPNN was the first topical, theme-based journal to include both perinatal and neonatal perspectives. Today, we continue to publish theme issues delivering relevant, in-depth coverage that advances the practice of evidence-based perinatal and neonatal nursing. The "Pink Journal," as it has become affectionately known, has built a significant body of research over the past 30 years. The current impact factor for JPNN ranks it in the top third of all nursing journals tracked by Thomson Reuters, which is a testament to the quality and rigor of the research published in a journal with strong clinical use. The range of topics that the Journal has published over the years is extraordinary; the word cloud below represents just the top 100 key words of JPNN published articles.


To honor our celebratory year, we have compiled Anniversary Collections of JPNN classic articles, which you can read at, the Journal's dedicated Web site. This anniversary issue, in particular, includes a retrospective from the Editors, information on the contributions of former Editors and Contributing Editors, who have made JPNN what it is today, as well as articles on Education, Social Media, Shared Decision Making, and Historical Trends. This combination of acknowledging what has come before, alongside what is the present and future of healthcare, ensures pertinent clinical content in this, as it is for every, issue.


Thank you to JPNN's Senior Perinatal Editor and Journal Founding Editor, Diane Angelini, whose effort, enthusiasm, and desire to continually improve JPNN is inspirational. I also send out sincere thanks to the Neonatal Editor, Susan Bakewell-Sachs, whose 12 years of outstanding service to the journal has been fundamental in creating the unique balance that our readers look forward to in each issue. A publisher could not ask for a better team of Editors. I would also like to take this opportunity to celebrate JPNN's authors, reviewers, Editorial Board members, Contributing Editors, Issue Editors, and Editors through the years. Thank you all for your contributions to The Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing.


-Angela Richardson


Senior Publisher


Wolters Kluwer Health