
  1. Hess, Cathy Thomas BSN, RN, CWCN

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As in previous columns, we are continuing to review the objectives and measures for Modified Stage 2 Meaningful Use set forth from 2015 through 2017. In this column, we review Objective 10: Public Health Reporting Measure Option 3 Specialized Registry Reporting (Table).1 This is the final Objective and Measure Option within Objective 10. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides the following excerpt for specialized registries2:

Table. OBJECTIVES AN... - Click to enlarge in new windowTable. OBJECTIVES AND MEASURES FOR 2015 THROUGH 2017 (MODIFIED STAGE 2)

"Reporting to registries is an integral part of improving population and public health. The Meaningful Use (MU) Stage 2 regulations added a new public health-related menu (optional) objective for eligible professionals (EPs), the capability to identify and report specific cases to a specialized registry, other than a cancer registry, except where prohibited, and in accordance with the applicable jurisdictional laws and practice. This objective was included to provide more flexibility in the menu objectives that EPs can choose. Specialized registry reporting is likely to provide many EPs with an MU menu option that is more aligned with their scope of practice. This objective may provide meaningful use credit to those EPs engaged in the beneficial use of Certified Electronic Health Record Technology (CEHRT) to report specific cases and/or case information to specialized registries.


The MU Stage 2 regulations are purposefully general in describing specialized registries to provide flexibility and avoid excluding registries. Specialized registries could include, but are not limited to, birth defects registries, chronic disease registries, traumatic injury registries, and so on."


In addition, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services provides an explanation for submission to a specialized registry:


Meaningful Use Objective 10, in its entirety, takes time to research and implementation strategies to meet each measure. Reach out for assistance along the way. Cheers to diligent documentation!


Editor's note: The May issue of this column referred to Objective "9," when this should have read Objective "10."




1. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. EHR Incentive Programs: 2015 through 2017 (Modified Stage 2) Overview. Last accessed May 25, 2016. [Context Link]


2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Meaningful Use: Specialized Registry. Last accessed May 25, 2016. [Context Link]