
fall assessment tools, falls extrinsic factors, falls intrinsic factors, patient falls, psychiatric unit



  1. Abraham, Sam RN, DHA


Patient falls in the hospital psychiatric inpatient units are more frequent than in the medical-surgical units. The purpose of this study was to explore psychiatric unit directors' perceptions of the factors that contribute to patient falls in the State of Michigan. A quantitative online questionnaire was sent to the directors of psychiatric units in Michigan. Two research questions (RQs) guided the study: (a) What are psychiatric unit directors' perceptions of the possible intrinsic factors that contribute to patient falls in the psychiatric inpatient units, and (b) what are psychiatric unit directors' perceptions of the possible extrinsic factors that contribute to patient falls in the psychiatric inpatient units? In comparing the results, 6 of the 7 factors with the highest mean levels of agreement were intrinsic factors. In the current study, patient gait (mean, 4.65) ranked first, history of falls (mean, 4.52) second, and multiple medications (mean, 4.50) third as fall-risk factors. The need for the involvement of the team members (mean, 4.55) in preventing falls was the most highly rated factor among the extrinsic factors. Educating unit team members in assisting with fall prevention is a critical consideration for leaders.