The Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy continues to be the target of numerous submissions and citations. One hundred five submissions were entered into the peer-review process in 2015. This number is comparable with the 106 and 104 entered into the peer-review process in 2013 and 2014, respectively. These manuscripts originated from the United States and 30 other countries. Of papers for which final disposition was determined in 2015, 30.4% were accepted. This is comparable with 29.9% in 2014. On the basis of citations of article published in the Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy, Science Citation Index Expanded reports a small but steady increase in the Journal's impact factor: 1.275 (2014), 1.255 (2013), and 1.212 (2012). SCImago ranks the Journal in the top 50% of Geriatrics and Gerontology journals (44/108) and the top third of Rehabilitation journals (31/115).
Reviewing the manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy involves the coordinated efforts of the Journal's editors and reviewers. In addition to myself and the Associate Editors (Marybeth Brown, Kevin K. Chui, Bernadette Williams-York, and Robert Wellmon), the 77 Editorial Board members and reviewers listed below each reviewed 1 or more manuscripts for the Journal in 2015. Their efforts are greatly appreciated.
-Richard W. Bohannon, Editor
Reviewers for 2015
Alia A. Alghwiri, PhD
Leslie K. Allison, PT, PhD
Bill Andrews, PT, EdD, NCS
Shahnawaz Anwer, PT, MPT
Garrett Ash, MS
Ann Ashburn, PhD, FCSP
Dale Avers, PT, DPT, PhD
Keith Avin, PT, PhD
John O. Barr, PT, PhD
Ronald De Vera Barredo, PT, DPT, EdD, GCS
Katherine Beissner, PT, PhD
Debra Bemben, PhD
Michael Bemben, PhD
Heather J. Braden, PT, PhD, GCS
Ryan Campbell, PT, DPT
Stephen Carp, PT, PhD, GCS
Steven Chesbro, PT, DPT, EdD, GCS
Tracey Collins, PT, PhD, GCS
Laurie Devaney, PT, MSc
Zeevi Dvir, PhD, LLB
Tammy Dziadek, PT, DPT, GCS
Richard Fortinsky, PhD
Stacy L. Fritz, PT, PhD
George Fulk, PT, PhD
Anne Keeler Galgon, PT, PhD, NCS
Patricia Gillette, PT, PhD
Jordan Glenn, PhD
Hui-Ting Goh, PhD
Laura Z. Gras, PT, DPT, DSc, GCS
Tamara Gravano, PT, DPT, GCS, CEEAA
Michelle Gray, PhD
Patricia A. Hageman, PhD
Timothy Hanke, PT, PhD
Jill Heitzman, PT, DPT
Tiffany Hilton, PT, PhD
Carrie W. Hoppes, PT, DPT
Min Hui Huang, PT, PhD, NCS
Kent E. Irwin, PT, DHS, GCS
Maura Iversen, PT, DPT, ScD
Eric Johnson, DSc
Michal Katz-Leurer, PhD
Karen Kemmis, PT, DPT
Justin W. L. Keogh, PhD
Dennis Klima, PT, PhD, GCS, NCS
David Lake, PT, PhD
Kelly M. Lindenberg, PT, PhD
Mark Loftin, PhD
Michelle Lusardi, PT, DPT, PhD
Corrie A. Mancinelli, PT, PhD
Caryn McAllister, PT, DPT
Ann Medley, PT, PhD
Carol Ann Miller, PT, PhD, GCS
Kenneth L. Miller, PT, DPT
Theresa Nemmers, PT, PhD
Kevin Neville, PT, MS, CCS
Kerstin Palombaro, PT, PhD, CAPS
Gina Lynne Pariser, PhD
Melissa L. Peterson, PT, PhD, GCS
Enrique Pineda, PT, DPT, PhD, OCS, GCS
Patricia S. Pohl, PhD
Michael Lawrence Reed, PT, DSc
Mindy Oxman Renfro, PT, DPT, PhD, GCS
Thais de Lima Resende, PhD
Lori Schrodt, PT, PhD
Cathie Sherrington, PT, PhD
Jaclyn Megan Sions, PT, DPT, PhD, OCS
Veronica Southard, PT, DHSc, GCS, CEEAA
Michal Steffl, PhD
Sayed A. Tantawy, PhD
Elizabeth D. Thompson, PT, DPT, NCS
Bayram Unver, PhD
Prakash Vaidhiyalingam, PT, MPT
Anthony Vandervoort, PhD
Sheila Thomas Watts, PT, DPT, GCS
Fran Wedge, PT, DSc, GCS
Nancy Wofford, PT, DPT, OCS
Sheng-Che Yen, PhD