PURPOSE: This national online study was conducted to describe nursing faculty perspectives and practices about evidencebased teaching practice (EBTP).
BACK GROUND: Professional standards for nurse educator practice stress the importance of EBTP; however, the use of evidence by faculty in curriculum design, evaluation and educational measurement, and program development has not been reported.
METHOD: Nurse administrators of accredited nursing programs in the United States (N = 1,586) were emailed information about the study, including the research consent form and anonymous survey link, and invited to forward information to nursing faculty.
RESULTS: Respondents (551 faculty and nurse administrators) described the importance of EBT P in nursing education, used multiple sources of evidence in their faculty responsibilities, and identified factors that influence their ability to use EBTP.
CONCLUSION: EBTP in nursing education requires sustained institutional, administrative, and collegial support to promote faculty effectiveness and student learning.