
cardiovascular disease, evidence-based practice, Million Hearts, nurse-led interventions



  1. Melnyk, Bernadette Mazurek PhD, RN, FAANP, FNAP, FAAN
  2. Orsolini, Liana PhD, RN, ANEF, FAAN
  3. Gawlik, Kate DNP, RN, ANP-BC
  4. Braun, Lynne T. PhD, CNP, FAHA, FAAN
  5. Chyun, Deborah A. PhD, RN, FAHA, FAAN
  6. Conn, Vicki S. PhD, RN, FAAN
  7. Dunbar-Jacob, Jacqueline PhD, RN, FAAN
  8. Lewis, Lisa M. PhD, RN, FAAN
  9. Melkus, Gail D'Eramo EdD, C-NP, FAAN
  10. Millan, Angelica MSN, CNS, RNP, FAAN
  11. Rice, Virginia Hill PhD, RN, CNS, FAAN
  12. Wilbur, JoEllen PhD, APN, FAAN
  13. Nowlin, Sarah MS, RN
  14. Olin, Abigail R. BSN, RN


Abstract: Million Hearts is a national initiative to improve the nation's cardiovascular health through evidence-based practices and prevention. This article reviews the ABCS of Million Hearts with an emphasis on NP-led care models. Recommendations for clinical practice, education, research, and health policy are highlighted.