ASTUTE (and very thorough) readers of the Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation (JHTR) will notice a modest modification of the masthead-a few lines missing under the heading "Senior Editor." The loss of these few lines represents an incalculable loss to the journal. Nat Mayer, MD, a member of the Editorial Board since the journal's beginning in 1985, co-Editor since 1992, and Senior Editor since 2009, has retired from his essential role with JHTR and will be assuming Emeritus status on the Board.
During more than 2 decades at the top of the masthead (which began when he replaced Sheldon Berrol, MD, one of the 2 founding Editors of the journal), Dr Mayer has shepherded dozens of JHTR issues from conception to publication, naturally dealing with not only those that had a medical emphasis but also many that focused on cognitive, behavioral, prognostic, or measurement issues. Furthermore, he has been responsible for the several Special Features of JHTR such as the pharmacology, ethics, and technology columns as well as book reviews. In recent years, he also assumed responsibility for orchestrating publication, the publication of abstracts from annual meetings of NABIS. Dr Mayer also was intimately involved in the administrative aspects of JHTR.
Throughout his career, Dr Mayer has been the model of a scientist/practitioner, working in an exemplary collaborative fashion to develop and apply techniques to improve the health and function of rehabilitation patients, all the while endeavoring to understand the concepts and principles underlying those strategies. He has often reminded colleagues: "There is nothing as practical as a good theory."
Dr Mayer's shoes cannot by filled, and, indeed, JHTR will be welcoming 2 new editors to handle his previous duties. David Arciniegas, MD, is a new Associate Editor, and we are creating a new role, Electronic Editor, who will manage Web content including the Special Features that Dr Mayer previously oversaw.
On behalf of all JHTR Board members, readers, and authors-all of whom have benefitted from Dr Mayer's many professional contributions-we express our deepest appreciation and offer our best wishes for his "semiretirement."
-Bruce Caplan, PhD, ABPP
Senior Editor
-John D. Corrigan, PhD, ABPP