
  1. Gavin, Cara BS


Membership in a professional organization creates opportunities for individuals to grow in countless ways. Often, it allows us to develop new knowledge and form networks that change our lives. There are many advantages of becoming a member of a specialty organization. Each year, Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing is proud to provide an updated list of our professional nursing organizations.


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Certification in a nursing specialty demonstrates a commitment to advancing one's knowledge and skill set. If you are working toward becoming certified, Lippincott NursingCenter supports you in this endeavor and recognizes your hard work. If you are thinking about becoming certified, we encourage you to explore the benefits of a nursing certification and to consider the importance of improving patient outcomes while pursuing your own professional goals.


Use the contact information below to begin the certification process. On NursingCenter's CEConnection, you can also find continuing education activities to meet your certification requirements. With our CE lists organized by nursing specialty, you'll quickly find the right CE activity just for you.

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Figure. No caption a... - Click to enlarge in new windowFigure. No caption available.