
  1. Vi Thien Mac, Valerie BSN, RN
  2. Evans, Dian Dowling PhD, FNP-BC, ENP-BC


The RESEARCH TO PRACTICE column is intended to improve the research critique skills of the advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) and to assist with the translation of research into practice. For each column, a topic and a particular research study are selected. The stage is set with a case presentation. The research article is then reviewed and critiqued, and the findings are discussed in relation to the case presented. Our current column discusses factors associated with heat-related hospitalizations and deaths with implications for APRN practice and public health prevention strategies using the following study: Hess, J., Saha, S., & Luber, G. (2014). Summertime acute heat illness in U.S. emergency departments from 2006 through 2010: Analysis of a nationally representative sample. Environmental Health Perspectives, 122(11), 1209-1215. Our case involves an adolescent athlete with sickle cell trait participating in athletic practice during the summer.