In the first issue of this journal, my editorial included a quote, "to everything there is a season." It is fitting that I come back to this quote as I announce that I am leaving my position as the Editor-in-Chief of JONA's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation. It is a "new season" and a time for change. As we complete the fourth year of the journal's production, I find great changes in my professional life. Many opportunities have presented themselves, and I have chosen throughout the years to become more active in these endeavors. As I reflect on the journal's mission and growth, I am proud to have been an integral part of its development. Due to an ever-growing demanding professional schedule, I also realize that it is now time to usher in a new editor-in-chief who will provide continued direction and growth for the journal.
When I made the decision to leave the position, I recommended to the publisher that Rebecca Cady, JD, RN, take my place as the new editor-in-chief. I am pleased to announce that the publisher accepted my recommendation, and Rebecca will assume the position of editor with the next issue. Rebecca has been an editorial board member for the journal since its inception. She has also contributed frequently to the journal as author of the regular column, The Legal Forum. As a nurse attorney, she will bring to the journal a new perspective and will continue to move the journal to higher levels of growth. My best wishes and support to Rebecca as she becomes the new editor of the journal!
Leaving behind a project, such as journal development, is never an easy task. It is difficult to say goodbye, and at the same time it is rewarding to reflect back to the beginning and realize the contributions made to the nursing profession. These contributions could not have been realized without the expertise and dedication of the advisory board. I publicly thank them for all of their hard work, dedication, and support throughout the past 4 years. They are truly the backbone of the journal and its success. I know they will support Rebecca in her new role in the same way that I experienced their support and kindness.
I thank Dr Suzanne Smith, my colleague, mentor, and friend. As Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Nursing Administration, her expertise and support have been the most valuable experience of my career. I will miss working with her, and I offer my best wishes and thanks for all of her years of assistance and expert teaching. What can I say Suzanne? You are the best!
I thank Jennifer Brogan, Publisher of JONA's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation, for all of her guidance, support, and assistance. She believed in the journal as it was being formatted on the drawing board and has never wavered in her assistance to make it a valuable companion to the Journal of Nursing Administration. I also thank Joanne Revak, our Production Editor, for all of the countless hours of hard work she has invested in the journal. She is truly a professional editor and her expertise is apparent throughout the issues of the journal. Thank you for always making each deadline a little less traumatic.
Finally, a great thank you to all of the readers. This journal was designed with your practice needs in mind. You are responsible for its inception, and I am so grateful for the many nice comments received throughout the years on its value to your practice and knowledge base. The role of the nurse executive grows more complex. The challenges are many, and often the rewards come too few and far apart. However, you are the backbone of healthcare delivery in this country and world today. Nursing will always be at the forefront of care delivery, and its value will be measured directly by your expert leadership. As the care environment grows more complex, new challenges are before you. The journal will continue to support you well into the future to meet your needs for timely and valuable information related to law, ethics, and regulation.
As this issue is released, we are fast approaching the holiday season in this country. My wish is for your peace and happiness at this special time and best wishes for your continued success in the new year!
As I close, I realize what a blessed career I have, and I am thankful for all of the experiences that nursing has provided me. I am proud to be a member of this profession, and my hope is that you will always be proud of your membership and participation in helping to make the world a better place. Thank you, and best wishes to all.