Drug Approved for Heart Failure
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved valsartan (Diovan) for heart failure in patients intolerant of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors. Valsartan is an angiotensin II receptor blocker.
In a study of more than 5,000 patients with heart failure, valsartan improved heart failure morbidity and slowed disease progression compared with placebo. Overall, mortality was similar in the valsartan and placebo groups. Among patients who didn't take an ACE inhibitor, valsartan improved survival by 41%, reduced morbidity by 49%, and reduced the risk of hospitalization for heart failure by 57%.
Dizziness, hypotension, and diarrhea were the most common adverse effects. Because of the risk of hypotension, exercise caution when initiating valsartan in patients with heart failure.
Synthroid Confirmed Safe and Effective
The synthetic thyroid hormone replacement therapy levothyroxine sodium tablets (Synthroid) received FDA approval for thyroid disease management, as replacement or supplemental therapy for hypothyroidism and pituitary thyroid stimulating hormone suppression.
Although many clinicians had prescribed the drug for thyroid health, the drug's manufacturer believes that the FDA's approval ensures that patients will continue to have access to the drug.
Stop Cold Sores with New Once-Daily
The FDA approved valacyclovir HCl (Valtrex) caplets for treating cold sores in healthy adults. The drug is the first 1-day oral antiviral that shortens the duration of cold sore outbreaks.
Initiate valacyclovir at the first symptom of a cold sore. Researchers haven't established the drug's efficacy when it's applied after clinical signs of cold sore development. Treatment shouldn't exceed 1 day. Adverse effects include headache and dizziness.
Statement required by act of August 12, 1970, Section 3685, Title 39, United States code showing the ownership, management, and circulation of Nurse Practitioner. published monthly at 1111 Bethlehem Pike, Springhouse, PA 19477 for September 12, 2002.
The name and address of the Publisher is: Theresa Steltzer, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1111 Bethlehem Pike, Springhouse, PA 19477. The name and address of the Editor is: Linda Pearson, c/o Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1111 Bethlehem Pike, Springhouse, PA 19477. The owner is: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 530 Walnut St., Phila., PA 19106. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins is wholly owned by Wolters Kluwer U.S. Corporation, 1054 FS Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
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