The year would not be complete if I didn't take time to thank the dedicated volunteer expert reviewers who support The Journal of Nursing Administration (JONA). I am blessed to serve in this role and to able to collaborate with gifted and dedicated nurse leaders, educators, and researchers who perform the blinded peer reviews for JONA. Editorial board members and peer reviewers provide expert guidance to authors and make editorial suggestions to improve the hundreds of submissions that we receive each year to meet our high standards. Words cannot express my gratitude sufficiently!
The Journal of Nursing Administration receives more than 350 manuscripts a year for consideration, plus thousands of hits to our Web site in accessing current and previous publications. We are a valued publication, with an acceptance rate of 15% (thus a rejection rate of 85%) and an impact factor that rose in 2013 to 1.373 fromour 2012 level of 1.329! This is only 1 way to measure the significance of the content of our journal, but I am proud of this affirmation of the work we publish.
Thanks to the authors who e-mail me with inquiries about ideas for articles. The changes in healthcare are daunting. I appreciate that the readers of JONA are looking to us for cutting-edge research, evidence-based practice, and outcomes. Have a blessed 2015!
Note: In addition to the editorial advisors listed on ourmasthead, the following people contributed to editorial development by reviewing manuscripts:
Mary K. Anthony, PhD, RN, CS
Professor and Associate Dean for Research; Director, PhD program, College of Nursing, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio
Joyce Batcheller, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN
RWJ Executive Nurse Fellow Alumna
Austin, Texas
Joan Ellis Beglinger, MSN, MBA
Principal, Joan Ellis Beglinger Designing Tomorrow Cross Plains, Wisconsin
Kathleen Davis, RN, MBA, NEA-BC
Senior Vice President and CNO Presbyterian Healthcare Services
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Jean D. Dols, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FACHE
AssociateProfessor, University of the IncarnateWord
San Antonio, Texas
Jane DeeEnglebright, PhD, RN,CENP, FAAN
Chief Nurse Executive, Hospital Corporation of America
Nashville, Tennessee
Susan Fetzer, RN, PhD, CNL
Professor, University of New Hampshire Durham, New Hampshire
Willa Fields, DNSc, RN, FHIMSS
Professor, San Diego State University
San Diego, California
Dominick L. Flarey, PhD, MBA, RN, FACHE
Executive Director The American Institute of Health Care Professionals, Inc
Warren, Ohio
Karen Frith, PhD, RN, NEA-BC
Professor, College of Nursing, University of Alabama in Huntsville
Huntsville, Alabama
Lynn Gallagher-Ford, PhD, RN, DPFNAP,NE-BC
Director, Center for Transdisciplinary Evidence-Based Practice; Clinical Associate Professor, The Ohio State University College of Nursing
Columbus, Ohio
Debra Hall, PhD, RN, CCRN
Director, Educational Development, Baptist Health Lexington
Lexington, Kentucky
Vice President/Chief Nursing Informatics Officer, Catholic Health Initiatives
Englewood, Colorado
Deborah A. Jasovsky, PhD, RN, NEA-BC
Associate Chief Nurse Executive, Loyola University Medical Center
Maywood, Illinois
M. Lindell Joseph, PhD, RN
Chief Executive Officer and Lead Nurse Researcher, Courageous Healthcare
Orlando, Florida
Sharon K. Judkins, PhD, RN, NEA-BC
Associate Professor, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas
Rebecca Krepper, PhD, MBA, RN, NEA-BC
Professor, Nelda C. Stark College of Nursing, Texas Woman's University
Houston, Texas
Linda Searle Leach, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, CNL
Assistant Professor, UCLA School of Nursing
Los Angeles, California
Linda Lewis, MSA, RN, NEA-BC, FACHE
Director, Magnet Recognition Program, American Nurse Credentialing
Silver Spring, Maryland
C. Preston Lewis Jr, MSN, DNP, RN, CCRN
Evidence-Based Practice Consultant, Baptist Health Lexington
Lexington, Kentucky
Maura MacPhee, RN, PhD
Associate Professor, University of British Columbia, School of Nursing
Vancouver, BC
Kari A. Mastro, MSN, RN, NEA-BC
Vice President, Nursing and Patient Care Services, Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital @ New York Presbyterian
New York City, New York
Donna McNeese-Smith, EdD, RN, NEA-BC
Professor Emeritus, Formerly Coordinator, Nursing Administration Graduate Program UCLA School of Nursing
Los Angeles, California
Demetrius James Porche, DNS, PhD, APRN, FNP, CS
Professor and Dean, School of Nursing, Health Sciences Center Louisiana State University
New Orleans, Louisiana
Kristin Seidl, PhD, RN
Director of Outcomes for Nursing and Patient Care Services, University of Maryland Medical Center
Baltimore, Maryland
Maria R. Shirey, PhD, MBA, RN, NEA-BC, FACHE, FAAN
Professor and Assistant Dean for Clinical Affairs, University of Alabama School of Nursing Birmingham, Indiana
Wayne E. Soo Hoo, PhD, RN, CPHQ
Director, Clinical Quality Management and Patient Safety, Mercy San Juan Medical Center, Carmichael, California
Colleen H. Swartz, DNP, MSN, MBA, RN, NEA-BC
Chief Nurse Executive, University of Kentucky HealthCare Office of the Executive Vice President for Health Affairs
Lexington, Kentucky
Maureen Swick, RN, PhD, NEA-BC
Senior Vice President/Chief Nurse Executive, Inova Health System
Falls Church, Virginia
Hussein Tahan, DNSc, RN
Director of Nursing Research and Education, New York Presbyterian Hospital; Assistant Professor of Clinical Nursing Columbia University School of Nursing
New York, New York
Robin Toms, PhD, RN, NEA-BC
Associate Professor, Coordinator-Nursing, Health Systems Management, Nelda Starke College of Nursing, Texas Woman's University, Houston, Texas
Nora Triola, PhD, RN, NEA-BC
Executive Vice President and CNO Catholic Health East
Newtown Square, Pennsylvania
Joan M. Vitello-Cicciu, PhD, RN, FAAN, FAHA, NEA-BC
Associate Chief Nurse Brigham and Women's Hospital
Boston, Massachusetts
Tina Volz, PhD, RN
Director, Nursing Research, St. Elizabeth Healthcare
Edgewood, Kentucky
Kimberly A. Windsor, DHA,MBA, RN, FACHE
Vice President of Clinical Services, AMN Healthcare
San Diego, California