"Ethics in Clinical Research: The Nursing Perspective" (September 2001), is well-balanced and should be a "must read" for faculty and nursing students in undergraduate-through doctoral-level nursing science programs, as well as for those participating in hospital and clinic staff development programs. Maria Karigan succinctly and effectively integrates a historical perspective of key events in human research and examines the political discourse that led to current research policies and regulations. The explanation of why nurses are key players in maintaining patient safety during clinical trials and related research applies to all nurses who are directly or indirectly involved in patientoriented research.
The brief, patient-centered case studies taken from real clinical situations provide readers with evidence-based knowledge and skills to help in working with research protocols, understanding the requirements for full disclosure to participating patients, and knowing what elements to look for in a written informed consent document. The sidebars featuring significant research documents and relevant Web sites facilitate further research.
This article would most certainly get my vote if there were an award for dissemination of information to develop nurses' awareness and appreciation of their role in clinical research and their relationship to safe patient-centered nursing practice.
Lynn Kazemekas, EdD, RN