
  1. Borger, Angela L.

Article Content

Let me begin by saying that, of course, I am partial to thinking that dermatology nurses are, well, the very best. That being said, I do think we have some serious competition from nurses in other disciplines. This means, we are not able to sit on our laurels; we need to diligently and articulately think about not only the future of dermatology nursing but also how we, as a specialty, fit into the larger picture of healthcare. I am not going to have this editorial be a commentary on either the state of healthcare now or the politics surrounding it. That is not my purpose today. Rather, I would like us to take a moment to think about the meaning behind a comment I heard a few weeks ago during a pharmaceutical dinner. The comment was, "We have to challenge ourselves to think about things differently." Now, this was not a presentation about dermatology conditions or even medications we use in dermatology, but it made me stop and pause. Isn't that what we, as dermatology nurses, are doing every day? Thinking about things differently? In talking with many of you, I know that innovative and, sometimes, very different things are happening in various practices around the country and around the world. I am calling on each of you to consider sharing with your dermatology nursing community what you are doing differently. I know there are creative practices out there that need to be shared. I know there are conversations that we should be having; these conversations are intended to start a dialogue so we can start discerning the best practices and best outcomes for our patients. Will you share with us?

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Along the same vein, I was reading an article about multiple sclerosis, and a few sentences from a lengthy article jumped out at me. Daily (2014) says, "Research on MS is slow. It is taking us a long time to figure out this disease. But we are getting there. We are learning more and more details about how the disease works, which is spurring the development of more effective treatments." Now, if I am not mistaken, we could take out the MS part and fill in almost any dermatology condition in its place. Doesn't this statement ring true for many dermatology diseases as well? This thought brings me to the question of how do you, as a dermatology nurse, stay on top of these advances? How do you stay up-to-date on disease states-the pathophysiology, the treatments, the treatment rationale, and side effects-and on the most accurate information to tell your patients? The vast changes in knowledge the dermatology world has had in just the past 10-15 years are quite incredible. The exciting news is that the Dermatology Nurses' Association (DNA) and our Journal, the Journal of the Dermatology Nurses' Association (JDNA), are two great ways that you can keep current on many of these changes. I would strongly encourage each of you to consider joining us, a strong community of dermatology nurse and nurse practitioners, in Las Vegas, NV, on April 2015 to continue these conversations. The annual DNA conference is always a prime opportunity to learn and share with colleagues. Moreover, for those of you in the forefront of researching and creating this education and knowledge, consider sharing your expertise with the JDNA, so all of our readers can share in your science and proficiency with dermatology nursing. I know we would all benefit from your scholarship and sharing.


Speaking about sharing, I am sure you have seen an addition to the JDNA with this issue. One of the ways the JDNA has committed to helping our readers stay current with new changes in disease states and treatments is with the introduction of our inaugural special supplement. I am extremely excited to have you see that the supplement, which is complimentary with paid subscription, has brought together in one publication the Journal's past important works on psoriasis. This compilation can serve as a resource guide for you, whether you are new to dermatology nursing and looking to learn more about psoriasis or are an expert on this topic who might like to use the supplement as a reference guide. Lakshi Aldredge, MSN, RN, ANP-BC, who is both a Past President of DNA and a JDNA Editorial Board member, in addition to being a nationally recognized expert in psoriasis, was instrumental in bringing you this supplement. You can read her introduction in the supplement, where she explains the importance of this product for dermatology nurses. Thank you Ms. Aldredge-your dedication and hard work on this project has been greatly appreciated. As we look ahead for the JDNA and planning, we are looking for a special skin cancer supplement to accompany the March/April 2015 issue and are thinking about what other special supplements you, as the reader, might like to see. After you've had a chance to read the psoriasis supplement, let me know your feedback, comments, and thoughts for future special projects.


As I have been writing to you all year, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, the Publisher of the JDNA, has again agreed to award three writing awards to JDNA authors in 2014. As we get closer at the end of the year, your time to submit an article for consideration is getting shorter. So, hurry and finish the writing you have been working on, and submit to JDNA. I certainly want your article to be one we consider for the awards. I would love to personally give you an award in Las Vegas, NV, next year that celebrates your excellence in writing both about dermatology nursing and for dermatology nurses.


Looking forward to hearing from you.


Angela L. Borger


Editor in Chief


E-mail: [email protected]




Daily P. (2014). MS research: Traveling back to look forward. INFORMS, 5-15. [Context Link]