A patient was readmitted two days after discharge with severe hypoglycemia. The treating team discharged the patient on a new insulin regimen without realizing that the patient also had insulin 70/30 at home. The patient continued to take her previous regimen as well as the new one, and was found unresponsive by her husband. The patient was in the ICU with the incident likely resulting in permanent neurological deficits. (Fernandes & Shojania, 2012)
A patient was admitted to a hospital from a home health agency. The list of medications provided by the agency did not completely match the list provided by the patient's family physician (i.e., the antihypertensive agent metoprolol tartrate [Lopressor] was not listed by the agency as one of the medications that the patient was currently taking). Therefore, metoprolol tartrate was not initially ordered. The patient developed atrial fibrillation shortly after hospital admission and required a transfer to the ICU [intensive care unit]. A diltiazem (Cardizem) infusion was started and the patient's family physician became aware that the patient had not been receiving their antihypertensive medication and initiated an order for the metoprolol tartrate (United States Pharmacopeia, 2005)