
  1. Van Bogaert, Peter PhD, RN
  2. Van heusden, Danny MS, RN
  3. Somers, Annemie MS, RN
  4. Tegenbos, Muriel MS, RN
  5. Wouters, Kristien PhD
  6. Van der Straeten, Johnny MS
  7. Van Aken, Paul MS, RN
  8. Havens, Donna Sullivan PhD, RN, FAAN


Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of The Productive Ward-Releasing Time to Care(TM) program implemented in a hospital transformation process on nurse perception related to practice environment, burnout, quality of care, and job outcomes.


Background: To address the continuously evolving complex challenges of patient care, high-performance nursing care is necessary.


Methods: A longitudinal survey design was used to conduct a study in a 600-bed acute care university hospital with 3 measurement periods: T0: base line in 2006, T1 in 2011, and T2 in 2013. As part of the hospital transformation process, the productive ward program was introduced between T1 and T2.


Results: Relevant impact on nurse-physician relations, nurse management, hospital management-organizational support, nurse-reported quality of care, and job outcomes were identified.


Conclusion: Hospital strategies and policies should be aligned with daily practices so that engaged and committed staff can promote excellent outcomes.