
  1. Mikolajewska, Emilia PhD


Aim: To assess the use of the NDT-Bobath method in poststroke geriatric rehabilitation.


Subjects and Methods: Thirty-five elderly poststroke patients admitted to the neurologic rehabilitation ward took part in 10 sessions of the NDT-Bobath therapy. Measurements of the parameters of muscle tone, hand functions, selected activities of daily living, and spatiotemporal gait parameters of velocity, cadence, and stride length were conducted by the same therapist twice: on admission, and after the last session of rehabilitation.


Results and Conclusions: Positive statistically significant results were observed within all assessed areas. These findings confirm that the NDT-Bobath method is an effective form of therapy in the elderly after ischemic stroke. There is a need for further research on larger samples of elderly patients, including the control group.