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Watch these video interviews on the iPad edition of this issue conducted by OT reporter Peter Goodwin:

RCC: Time from Nephrectomy to Metastasis Prognostic with Targeted Therapies

Giuseppe Procopio, MD, of Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori in Milan, reported a retrospective study confirming that for patients with renal cell carcinoma treated with targeted therapies, the length of time from nephrectomy to a diagnosis of metastasis is indicative of prognosis, just as it is in RCC patients overall (Abstract 517), findings that had not previously been clear. In the video, he emphasizes the need for randomized controlled studies to determine the effects of nephrectomy on the disease process, noting that currently it remains unclear whether surgery is causative of a good outlook or whether patients whose metastases emerge later have more benign disease than those whose disease becomes metastatic sooner.


First Molecular Prognostic Marker for Clear-Cell RCC

Abraham Ari Hakimi, MD, a Clinical Research Fellow at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, discusses a recently discovered molecular prognostic biomarker, an MET oncogene variant, for clear-cell renal cell carcinoma, shown to indicate a four-fold increase in the risk of recurrence and adverse cancer-specific survival (Abstract 395).


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