
  1. Doherty, Christine RN

Article Content

It's unacceptable that approximately 50% of transgender adults who were rejected by their families have tried to commit suicide, as reported in "Helping Transgender Children and Teens" (AJN Reports, October 2013).


The article also mentions a groundbreaking law in California that went into effect on January 1, which allows transgender individuals to decide which sports programs to enroll in and which restrooms or locker rooms to use based on their gender identification versus their biological sex. Some parents have argued that exposing children to members of the opposite biological sex in these places is inappropriate, but a recent article points out that most youths aren't nearly as concerned about this as their parents.1




1. Ward SF. For young people, transgender life means stress and confusion over restrooms, sports and harassment ABA J. 2013 Oct. [Context Link]