
  1. Adsett, Julie BPhty (Hons)
  2. Hickey, Annabel MMSc (Clin Epi), BAppSc (OT)
  3. Nagle, Amanda PhD, BSc (Appl Psych)(Hons)
  4. Mudge, Alison PhD, MBBS, Grad Cert Health Econ


PURPOSE: Encouraging patients to continue regular activity beyond the period of formal cardiac, heart failure, or pulmonary rehabilitation is a challenge faced by all program coordinators. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of a community model run by fitness instructors as long-term maintenance for patients exiting a disease-specific rehabilitation program.


METHODS: Heartmoves programs were established in close proximity to all major tertiary hospitals in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, and all eligible patients were offered supported referral to a program. Referred patients and rehabilitation staff were surveyed regarding perceived barriers to attendance. Referral rates and individual attendance rates for the first 12 weeks were recorded.


RESULTS: Over 12 months, 241 patients were referred to a community Heartmoves class, of whom 141 (59%) attended at least once and 76 (32% of referrals, 54% of initial attendees) attended more than 6 of the first 12 weeks. Preattendance surveys identified concerns about quality and safety, as well as social and logistic barriers. The programs proved to be sustainable, as evidenced by the growth of programs from 18 at the end of the project to 31 over a 18-month period.


CONCLUSIONS: A supported referral pathway to Heartmoves provides a feasible and acceptable model for maintenance exercise following cardiac, heart failure, and pulmonary rehabilitation. Strategies that recognize and address barriers perceived by participants and by rehabilitation program staff should be part of the supported referral process.