
  1. Parisien, Kathleen R.
  2. Valentine, Deborah
  3. Hoffman, Vicki
  4. Penzero, Janet


The use of a Total Joint Replacement Pathway provides nurses with a process that guides their professional practice. The pathway begins during the preadmission phase and follows the patients throughout their hospital stay. Relationship-based care is demonstrated by the interdisciplinary care that includes the patient and healthcare team. The goal of this article is to describe the continuum of care for total joint replacement patients at Stamford Hospital from preadmission to discharge. A preoperative class is offered weekly to all patients who are scheduled for elective surgery. Approximately 90% of patients attend the preoperative classes. This article provides a framework for guiding the clinical care of total joint replacement patients. Implementation of this framework will ultimately improve patient care and nursing practice in any surgical setting. Pain management and patient education are 2 core components of nursing practice vital to the success of the Joint Replacement Program and facilitate care of these patients through the continuum.