
  1. Houston, Susan PhD, RN, FAAN, NEA-BC
  2. Leveille, Marygrace PhD, RN, ACNP-BC
  3. Luquire, Rosemary PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN
  4. Fike, Angela MBA, BSN, RN-BC
  5. Ogola, Gerald O. MPH, MS
  6. Chando, Shingisai MA, MPH


BACKGROUND: Empowered decision making can help establish innovative work cultures.


Ojective: This study used the Decisional Involvement Scale to determine differences in actual and preferred decisional involvement among staff RNs and administrators in Magnet(R), Magnet-aspiring, and non-Magnet hospitals.


Methods: Two facilities were Magnet designated, 3 were Magnet aspiring, and 9 were non-Magnet. A total of 5000 staff RNs and administrators were asked to participate in the nonexperimental descriptive survey.


Resuts: The difference observed in actual global scale score by Magnet status was statistically significant (P = .01). Respondents in Magnet hospitals had the highest actual global scale score on average, followed by Magnet-aspiring, then non-Magnet.


Conclusions: Decisional involvement is higher among Magnet-designated than non-Magnet facilities.