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* Some mistakes teach us lessons we don't quickly forget. See "On Protocols, Shortcuts, and the Unforgettable Smell of Ether," a post about the dangers of taking shortcuts by Linda Johanson, EdD, RN, associate professor of nursing at Appalachian State University (http://wp.me/prthD-2v1).
* "I don't know why more people seem to lose their battles with illness around the holidays than at other times of year," writes oncology nurse Julianna Paradisi in her post, "Autumn Leaves and Colorful Lives" (http://wp.me/prthD-2wM).
* Do you think of yourself as a "physician extender"? Neither does AJN's clinical managing editor, Karen Roush. Read "Nurse Practitioners Are Not 'Physician Extenders'" (http://wp.me/prthD-2wk).
* "On Euphemisms and Learning to Be Present," by nursing student Alicia Marie Hinton, expresses discomfort with the code words nurses use to gloss over painful subjects (http://wp.me/prthD-2zG).
"It is a shame that nurses are left out of key decision making situations. [horizontal ellipsis] The nurses in England are ahead of us in the United States because they are allowed to give input." "It seems to me that we learn a concept of checks and balances in nursing school. [horizontal ellipsis] Every time I learn a new computer program, I am watching for those checks within the system." "I draw my strength from memories of a patient's ending journey, always trying to remember how to make the last days, hours, or minutes more comfortable and more meaningful." "It is obscene [horizontal ellipsis] that this country has the funds to possess the largest and most sophisticated army in the world but cannot put together a decent universal health care program to protect its citizens."
* Monthly highlights: Listen to AJN editors discuss the contents of the January issue.
* Behind the article: Clinical managing editor Karen Roush speaks with Donna Diers, author of this month's Viewpoint, and with Robert Allan Davis, author of this month's CE feature, "The Big Chill: Accidental Hypothermia."