
competency-based education, education-professional, simulation-based learning



  1. Bergero, Cassandra MSN, RN, FNP, CNS
  2. Hargreaves, Linda MSN, RN, PCNS-BC
  3. Nichols, Amy EdD, RN


Purpose: This article describes an innovation representing a paradigm shift away from the traditional nursing skills fair passive method of learning toward a dynamic, immersive learning experience utilizing simulation.


Background: There are many hospitals that review yearly competencies through a skills fair methodology. There is no evidence to support that this method of education and training has any direct correlation to better nursing care at the bedside, enhanced patient outcomes, or retained knowledge or skills.


Description of the Innovation/Outcome: We describe the process of successfully transitioning from traditional skills fairs to simulation-based skills fairs called CHILD (Collaborative Healthcare Immersive Learning Dynamic).


Implications: With this pioneering approach, institutions can reallocate funds and utilize simulation to more effectively provide education, training, and competency validation.