
  1. Hager, Mary Hastings PhD


Advocates for nutrition and food safety had reason to celebrate the New Year holiday, albeit with shorter fingernails. A palpable sigh of relief was felt when Congress passed S.3307, "Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010," and HR 2751, "FDA Food Safety Modernization Act," during the contentious "lame duck" session (US Senate, 111th Congress Public Law 111-178; US House of Representatives, 111th Congress Public Law 111-353; The Library of Congress. President Obama signed the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act (also referred to as child nutrition reauthorization) on December 13, 2010, and the Food Safety Act on January 4, 2011. Both laws provided major updates for each program. Although child nutrition reauthorization funding was included straightforwardly in the law, money uncertainties for Food Safety Act have received considerable attention