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"Every nurse has great stories to tell-about facing seemingly insurmountable tasks and taking them foothold by foothold," writes Alice Facente in her blog post "What Does Rappelling Down a Canyon Wall Have to Do with Nursing?" in which she compares an exhilarating hike to her 30 years in the nursing profession. Also check out "A Note on the Life Cycle of Blogs," by senior editor Jacob Molyneux, for an interesting take on the "waxing and waning" of nursing blogs. Bookmark or subscribe to our blog Off the Charts (http://ajnoffthecharts.com) to read daily updates and share your thoughts on what you see in your nursing world.
"I see the consequences of antibiotic resistance on my unit all the time." "I believe we all grow by pushing past the fears that may hold us back in many situations." "In general, nurses have embraced newer technology, but I often see 'holdouts' in different areas of the hospital." "Sure there are a lot of stories, but my favorite part about blogs is seeing growth."
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* Monthly highlights: Listen to AJN editors discuss the contents of the January issue.
* Behind the article: Interim editor-in-chief Maureen Shawn Kennedy speaks with a nurse manager and with pregnant nurses from New York University Langone Medical Center in New York City, some of whom were photographed for the article "Occupational Hazards for Pregnant Nurses" by Marion Rita Alex, and discusses workplace accommodations and other issues concerning working while pregnant.