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"I'm still stymied about why so many nurses, who are extremely busy people, spend the time it takes to do all this connecting," writes Maureen Shawn Kennedy, AJN's interim editor-in-chief, in her blog post "Social Media and Nurses-Does Betty White Have a Point?" which discusses e-media and the different ways of connecting and communicating. Bookmark or subscribe to our blog Off the Charts (http://ajnoffthecharts.com) to read daily updates and share your thoughts on what you see in your nursing world.
"These communication forms are not going away and . . . we must learn to use them wisely and with good purpose." "Social media is how my students communicate. They do not call, they text, tweet, dm, facebook." "The current environment of health reform is an awesome opportunity for us to model Nightingale's tenacious spirit." "Patients should have open access to their records and should be encouraged to review them for accuracy." "Why does everything have to end up with a diagnosis these days, and then of course a drug to treat it?"
Comment on our blog, join us on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/AJNfans), and follow us on Twitter (http://twitter.com/AmJNurs).
* Listen to AJN editors discuss the contents of the September issue.