
  1. Welborn, Layla

Article Content

I anxiously awaited the arrival of the April issue, ready to devour coverage about the recently passed health care reform bill. When it arrived, however, I was surprised to find nothing on the topic. Thinking perhaps this was due to AJN's production schedule, I searched the Web site, but still found no coverage.


As a soon-to-be graduate of a master's degree entry program in nursing, I'm excited to understand nursing's unique perspective on the largest piece of social legislation in the United States in a generation. What will it mean for patient care? The expansion of job opportunities? Preventive care? Medically underserved communities?


I hope AJN will help its readership understand the implications of this new legislation.


Layla Welborn


San Francisco


Editor's note: Because of the rapidly changing status of health care reform legislation and its effects, we've covered the story on AJN's blog,, which contains several recent posts on this subject. Look for a synopsis on health care reform and what it means to nurses in this month's Policy and Politics.