
  1. Miracle, Vickie A. RN, EdD, CCRN, CCNS, CCRC

Article Content

While I am watching President Barack Obama's State of the Union address (yes, I have to write this column several months ahead of publication), I find my mind wandering into the future-the United States, the world, nursing as a profession, nurses, my family, and others. I also think of the changes in the future for Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing (DCCN).


I freely admit I am not very computer literate, but I am slowly learning, especially with items concerning DCCN. I do not like reading from a computer screen. I like the feel of the paper or book in my hands and being able to sit back and prop my legs up while I read. When I read on the computer screen, I have to either print the material using my ink and paper or I have to lean forward to read the screen. This is hard for my back. Now some of this reluctance, I am sure, is due to my generation. However, I realize the future of publishing and new technology is leading toward more online material and less on paper.


So I am learning to change. I prefer this change rather than the fate of the dinosaurs. If you cannot change, you are a dinosaur and will become extinct. That is not the future I want for DCCN. So there will be changes coming to the DCCN online site soon. You will still receive your print copy in the mail, and you can also access our Web site at


Over the next several months, you will see changes to our Web site. These will not happen overnight but will be phased in gradually. Some of the changes include the following:


1. If you are already a subscriber, simply visit the site and sign in. You will have full access to the site.


2. If you are not a subscriber, you may do so online at the Web site.


3. A new change, which is already on the site, is the future Table of Contents.


4. Coming in the future (slowly, so please be patient):


(a) From the Editor. This is similar to a blog and will appear on the home page. I will update it every few weeks.


(b) News and Links. This will list any appropriate news for critical-care nurses and links to sites of importance for nurses such as a link to the Centers for Disease Control or the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses.


(c) Topical Collections. This will be a section on the home page in which I have listed articles according to body system or dimension discussed in the paper. For example, if you want to find an article about asthma, you could go immediately to Topical Collections and click on "pulmonary." This will give you a list of articles pertinent to the topic.


(d) Quick Polls. You will be given the opportunity to answer a question about one of the current articles or timely topics.



The site will be evolving, so visit us often. New features may be added in the future. Just be patient with me as we travel this journey.


The future of online DCCN is within our grasp. Technologically, we must stay up-to-date and meet the needs of all our readers. As critical-care nurses, we must embrace the new technology and use this to provide the same high-quality care we have always provided to our patients. DCCN will strive to maintain our excellence as well.


I strongly encourage you to contact me if you have any suggestions about the Web site or the print journal. Please send your comments about the Web site-what you like, what you do not like, what else is needed, and so on.


By the way, I am becoming more computer literate. I have a Facebook page. I will not tell you how long it took me to set this up. So feel free to visit my Facebook page and leave a message on my wall. I can then add you to my list of contacts. See, you can teach an old dog new tricks.


Vickie A. Miracle, EdD, RN, CCRN, CCNS, CCRC


Editor, DCCN, and Lecturer,


Bellarmine University


School of Nursing


Louisville, KY


[email protected]