
  1. Ronen, Tammie
  2. Abraham, Yair


This study compared the efficacy of retention control training (RCT) in two groups of children suffering from noctural enuresis: a younger group of 15 children aged 4 to 5 years and an older group of 15 children aged 7 to 8 years. To control for family history, frequency, and type of enuresis, only children with primary nocturnal enuresis who had a family history of enuresis and who wet the bed 4 to 7 nights per week were included. RCT was found to be an effective treatment for young children who were closer to the final stage of bladder development, but not for older children. RCT may be used for older children as a preliminary treatment to increase functional bladder capacity, after which treatment of enuresis should be continued by other methods, such as bell-and-pad reinforcement programs.