Karen N. Provine outlines for the reader an approach to the key issues surrounding "Accommodations and Creativity: Keeping Older Workers on the Job." She opens with a case history that demonstrates how to accommodate older employees on the job. She discusses in detail the following key subjects:
* Aging In place and
* Experience gap.
Focus is on special attention to develop accommodations and interventions, rather than pursue opportunities that might involve retraining. Conservation should be given to the older employees and their connection of the workplace. "Their job maybe part of their identity, self-esteem and provides connection with others." Karen's final image for the reader is that a successful outcome is a win-win for all parties: for the employer who benefits from an experienced employee on the job, for the older worker who remains productive, and for the case manager, who has brought all parties and resources together.
Scott Nickerson shows us the advantages of developing "Wellness in the Workplace: How to Develop, Implement, Monitor Your Overall Corporate Program," to lower operating costs and benefit the employee's mental health in the workplace. The starting point is to identify the three factors to be considered for a successful wellness program:
* Mind,
* Body, and
* Soul.
He gives us the "How to Do"; start the wellness program, maintain, and then improve it. Scott concludes his article by leaving the reader with the following checklist for a successful program:
* participant must see results and benefits,
* management must see a result and benefits,
* think outside of the box,
* listen to feedback,
* be flexible, be adaptable, and be brave, and
* be/use a mentor.
Barbara J. Gay addresses the "sandwich generation" and provides an overview for geriatric care management. She shares with the reader "A John and Mary Case History." The high point of her discussion is the understanding of the cost benefit of securing geriatric case management. She sums up her discussion for the reader by providing a "checklist" for choosing a geriatric care manager. She also provides contacts for additional information on this important subject.
Susan J. Redmon provides us with a resource list for healthcare transition for adolescents and youth adults with special healthcare needs and/or disabilities.
Frances Snowden, BS, RN, CRRN, CCM
Contributing Editor