
ambulatory cardiac catheterizations, changing practice patterns, educational interventions



  1. Imperato, Pascal James MD, MPH&TM
  2. Malach, Monte MD, FACC
  3. Nenner, Raphael P. MD
  4. Starr, Harriet MA
  5. Huang, Thomas MS
  6. Dearie, MaryBeth BA


Questions have been increasingly raised about the value of performing right heart catheterization. A preliminary analysis done in 1992 revealed significant interhospital variation in the frequency of the procedure among Medicare Part A and Medicaid patients in New York State, and it also suggested that the procedure was being performed routinely in some hospitals. In 1993, IPRO initiated a cooperative health care quality improvement program involving the state's 53 catheterization laboratories. As a result of this educational intervention, the rate of bilateral catheterization among Medicare Part A patients fell from 89/100,000 beneficiaries in 1992 to 65/100,000 in 1996, and the overall percentage of catheterized Medicare patients undergoing bilateral catheterization fell from 30.5% in 1992 to 17.4%. A major question was whether a corresponding decrease had occurred among ambulatory patients (Medicare Part B). To determine the answer, the Medicare Part B database was analyzed for the identical period of time. It was found that the percentage of ambulatory Medicare patients who underwent bilateral catheterization at the 53 laboratories fell from 37.6% in 1992 to 17.0% in 1996, paralleling the decline observed among inpatients. The results of this quality improvement study show that an educational intervention directed at inpatient practice patterns can have a similar impact on outpatient patterns.