Assessment and Management of Patients at Risk for Suicide

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Release Date : March 02 2023

VA/DoD clinical practice guideline for the assessment and management of patients at risk for suicide: Version 2.0

About the Guideline

  • This guideline is an update to the 2013 guideline.
  • The guideline was updated by a panel of multidisciplinary subject-matter experts known as the Champions (three clinical leaders) and the Work Group (clinical specialists from psychiatry, psychology, nursing, social work, pharmacy, psychotherapy, mental health, and preventive medicine/public health).
  • Peer review and feedback were provided by American Psychiatric Association and Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania.
  • The guideline provides 22 evidence-based recommendations on the management of patients at risk for suicide.
  • Algorithms are included to promote clinical decision-making processes.
  • The guideline is intended for VA and DoD healthcare practitioners and others caring for individuals at risk for suicide.
  • The intended outcomes of the guideline are to promote practitioner-patient collaboration in determining the best treatment methods, to emphasize patient-centered care, to optimize health outcomes, to improve quality of life, and to minimize preventable complications.

Key Clinical Considerations

Become familiar with the recommendations in this guideline, especially if you work in an acute care setting.
  • The guideline provides three algorithms to aid in the identification of risk for suicide, the clinical evaluation for suicide, and the management of patients at acute risk for suicide.
  • Each algorithm includes steps of care, recommended examinations and observations, decisions to consider, and actions to be taken.
  • Practitioners should use the algorithms to guide their clinical practice.

Screening and Evaluation


Risk Management and Treatment


Other Management Modalities




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