
  1. Rajhathy , Erin M.
  2. Hill , Mary C.
  3. Tran , David Le
  4. Sibbald , R. Gary
  5. Ayello , Elizabeth A.


Debridement, a mainstay of nursing clinical practice, refers to the removal of dead or unhealthy tissue from a wound to facilitate healing. Debridement is one component of the concept of wound bed preparation that has long guided the approach to wound management. The ability of a wound to heal must be determined prior to the initiation of any method of debridement. In areas where high-quality, comparative studies on the relative benefits of different debridement modalities are lacking, nurses should adopt an evidence-informed approach to care. To do this, nurses must understand the importance of following a comprehensive, holistic approach when treating chronic wounds. Nurses should have knowledge of inflammation and infection control and of the fundamentals of moisture management, recognize the need for debridement in healable wounds, and be familiar with different debridement options. This article provides nurses with a wound management framework, an overview of wound debridement options based on the potential for wound healing, and scope of practice considerations for developing a plan of care. A composite case is presented to illustrate the critical considerations in wound care.