
  1. Walker , Trina
  2. Ersig , Anne L.
  3. Dwyer , Andrew A.
  4. Kronk , Rebecca
  5. Snyder , Cynthia T.
  6. Whitt , Karen
  7. Willis , Valerie


Nurse practitioners (NPs) are the fastest growing group of health care providers, with an increase of 8.5% over the past year and anticipated growth of more than 40% by 2031. Improving NPs' knowledge of how genes influence health enables them to assess, diagnose, and manage patients in all states of health in a safe, efficient, and competent manner. Nurse practitioners may also care for patients who obtain direct-to-consumer (DTC) genetic tests without provider oversight and share their results; improved knowledge of genetics can provide NPs with the information and resources needed to interpret and understand DTC test results. The literature indicates that NPs have limited understanding of basic genetic concepts and guidelines for prescribing drugs affected by genomic variability. As a result, NPs report low confidence in their ability to accurately interpret and apply genetic test results, which inhibits genomics-informed precision health care. This article provides resources and clinical recommendations for using the 2021 American Association of Colleges of Nursing Essentials and the American Nurses Association Essentials of Genomic Nursing to facilitate the integration of genomics into NP curricula and practice. These resources will help future and practicing NPs integrate genomics into practice and improve precision health care.