
body image, body size, stereotyping



  1. Davidhizar, Ruth RN, DNS, ARNP, BC, FAAN


Americans are very cautious of saying that differences matter and frequently advocate that differences, in fact, do not matter. In an effort to be nondiscriminatory, we are not supposed to think, let alone say, that race, sex, religion, and culture matter and, certainly, that size matters. We are supposed to accept differences and to love everything about ourselves. Thus, whether we are fat, short, flat chested; have thinning hair; have a receding hair line; or have bulges where we would rather not have them, we are supposed to be satisfied with ourselves, accept others as they are, and feel that everyone is equal. However, after only a brief exposure to television, travel magazines, or the Internet, we soon are faced with the truth that size is being used to sell and promote products and therefore must matter.