St. Mary's Medical Center, Huntington, W.V., is pleased to announce that Sharon Alexander, RN, MSN, has accepted the position of associate director of nursing.
At the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa., professor of pediatric nursing Jane Barnsteiner, PhD, FAAN, received the Dorothy Garrigus Adams Award for Excellence in Fostering Professional Standards.
Susie Bohnenkamp, CNS, University Medical Center, Tuscon, Ariz., has been chosen as a finalist for the Nursing Excellence Award.
Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing professor Jacquelyn C. Campbell, RN, PhD, FAAN, has been named the American Academy of Nursing/Institute of Medicine/American Nurses Foundation Scholar-in-Residence.
Diana Duffy, RN, Catskill Regional Medical Center, Harris, N.Y., will receive the New York State EMS Council's Registered Professional Nurse of Excellence Award.
Norma Jaeger, RN, a nurse at Chautauqua Nursing Home, Charles City, Iowa, received Iowa's Nurse of the Year Award.
Kelly Healthcare Resources, Troy, Mich., announced the appointment of Grace Paranzino, RN, CHES, MS, FAAOHN, as national clinical manager.
Pamela Russell, RN, BSN, MHA, director of nursing administration services for Ben Taub General Hospital and Quentin Mease Community Hospital, Houston, Tex., has been appointed to the additional role of interim director of the emergency center.
Joan Thoman, RN, St. Vincent Charity Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio, received the Visiting Nurse Association's 2005 Distinguished Women in Healthcare Award in Clinical Expertise.