
myocardial infarction, patient-centered care, qualitative research



  1. Dreyer, Rachel P. PhD
  2. Pavlo, Anthony J. PhD
  3. Hersey, Denise MLS, MA
  4. Horne, Anna
  5. Dunn, Robert
  6. Norris, Colleen M. PhD, GNP, MN, BScN, RN, FAHA
  7. Davidson, Larry PhD


Background: Recovery from acute myocardial infarction (AMI) has been primarily understood in a narrow medical sense. For patients who survive, secondary prevention focuses largely on enhancing clinical outcomes. As a result, there is a lack of descriptive accounts of patients' experiences after AMI and little is known about how people go about the challenge of recovering from such an event.


Objective: We conducted a meta-synthesis of the available literature on qualitative accounts of patients' experiences after AMI.


Methods: We searched for relevant papers that were descriptive, qualitative accounts of participants' experiences after AMI across 4 electronic databases (April 2016). Using an adapted meta-ethnography approach, we analyzed the findings by translating studies into one another and synthesizing the findings from the studies.


Results: After a review of titles/abstracts, reading each article twice in full, and cross-referencing articles, this process resulted in 17 studies with 224 participants (48% women) aged 23 to 90 years. All participants provided a first-person account of an AMI within the 3-day to 25-year time frame. Two major themes emerged that characterized patients' experiences: navigating lifestyle changes and navigating the emotional reaction to the event-consisting of various subthemes.


Conclusion: Although AMI tends to be seen as a discrete event, participants are left with little professional guidance as to how to negotiate significant, and often discordant, psychosocial changes that have long-lasting effects on their lives, similar to persons with chronic illnesses but without research in place to figure out how to best support them.