[horizontal ellipsis] credit for all your educational activities, that is!! Recent changes in ONCB policy now allow you to get more credit for educational presentations and authorship. For the first time, ONCB is also giving credit for poster presentations.
If you present a program or offer a lecture at a seminar, you can now earn 3 contact hours for a single 50-60 minute offering. For a longer lecture, you will receive 3 contact hours for every 60 additional minutes of content. As was previously the case, credit is allowed only for the initial offering or presentation during the renewal period.
Authorship of a chapter in a published book is now worth 10 contact hours (increased from 5)!! Credit is allowed only once during the renewal period for authorship on a specific topic.
If you are involved in a poster presentation at a national or regional meeting, you can now receive credit as follows:
Poster development = 1 contact hour
Poster development and presentation = 3 contact hours
If you are audited, proof of poster development and presentation must be provided. Credit shall be allowed only for the initial presentation during the renewal period.
Contact ONCB (800-561-ONCB, [email protected]) with any questions about these changes.