
  1. Violano, Pina PhD, MSPH, RN-BC, CCRN, CPS-T
  2. Weston, Ian MPP
  3. Tinkoff, Glen MD, FACS, FCCM


The effectiveness of trauma center-based injury prevention programs is constrained by a number of variables. These include the wide range of injury types, the variety of possible interventions, institutional support and funding, and the knowledge and experience of the persons responsible for these programs. As the field of injury prevention has increased in complexity, so must the role and professional development of these injury prevention professionals responsible for these programs. Trauma center-based injury prevention coordinators are a diverse group with variable education and professional background especially related to public health, advocacy, epidemiology, biostatistics, and research. Furthermore, inconsistencies exist with their job titles, responsibilities, accountability, and authority, as well as the associated professional resources available to them. The American Trauma Society, with facilitation by the member organizations of the Trauma Prevention Coalition, has addressed the need to standardize the educational foundation for injury prevention coordinators by providing the basis of core competencies that are necessary to successfully oversee an American College of Surgeon's Committee on Trauma-verified trauma center's injury prevention program. This inaugural Injury Prevention Coordinators Course was launched in conjunction with the Society of Trauma Nurses 2015 annual conference in Jacksonville, FL, with 7 additional courses having been held through March 2016, comprising 150 participants. The goal of this 2-day, formal trauma center-based, course is to address and standardize key educational segments, including impact of trauma, program development, program evaluation, public health models, injury and data analysis, epidemiology, advocacy, building partnerships and coalitions, and the use of media promotion to ensure consistency throughout the industry.