
  1. Geyer, Rebecca MSN, RN, TCRN
  2. Kilgore, Jane MSN, RN, CEN
  3. Chow, Stuart DO, FACOS
  4. Grant, Courtney RN, EMT
  5. Gibson, Alissa BSN, RN
  6. Rice, Megan BSN, RN, AEMT


Genesis Trauma Center is an American College of Surgeons-The Committee on Trauma-verified Level III facility located in Southeastern Ohio. Process improvement and patient safety showed inconsistencies in trauma documentation and comfort level of the nursing staff. In February 2014, Genesis implemented a trauma nurse leader program to provide a core team of trauma nurses for the initial resuscitation. The overall goal of implementing a trauma nurse leader (TNL) program was to focus education on a core team, providing an increased level of skill of experience to oversee trauma patient care. The TNL program has shown promise in the pilot phase by decreasing emergency department length of stay and improving trauma documentation.