A total of 26.5 percent of those who did not graduate from high school and 26.4 percent who had a high school diploma or general equivalency diploma were current smokers, compared with 19.7 percent who had attended some college and 7.9 percent with a college degree. In contrast, 64.2 percent of college graduates were current regular drinkers, compared with 52.3 percent of adults with some college, 47.3 percent of high school graduates or general equivalency diploma recipients, and 35.3 percent of adults who did not finish high school.
A total of 29.9 percent of adults age 18 and over currently employed in construction and 28.2 percent of those currently employed in mining were current smokers. Adults currently employed in construction were more likely than adults currently employed in manufacturing (23.3%), transportation/warehousing/utilities (23.2%), trade (22.0%), agriculture/forestry/fishing (18.6%), services (16.9%), or health care/social assistance (16.0%) to be current smokers.