The findings of six previously conducted studies indicated that the HESI (E2) was highly accurate in predicting NCLEX-RN success. The purpose of this study-the seventh study to investigate the validity of the E2-was to examine the accuracy of three parallel versions of the E2in predicting licensure success and to describe program practices regarding E2 benchmark scores, remediation programs, and retesting policies. The findings of this study again indicated that the E2 was highly accurate in predicting NCLEX-RN success. Additionally, all three versions of the E2 were found to have a predictive accuracy above 90%. The most common E2 benchmark score designated by faculty at the participating schools was 850, and most schools required students to retest with different versions of the E2 until the faculty-designated E2 benchmark score was achieved. Remediation seemed to be effective in raising students' E2 scores, and it was recommended that future research investigate the effectiveness of specific remediation strategies.